Rules and Regulations of Laboratory of Genetically Modified Animals (LGMA) CePT at MMRI PAS

1. The Laboratory has been established to make better use of intellectual and technical potential of Mossakowski Medical Research Institute PAS and transfer of research outcomes to the economy.
2. A fixed fee is charged for each day of the use of the Laboratory infrastructure.
3. The exploitation fee referred to above is calculated in PLN for each day of the work of LGMA and it does not include additional cost related to the specific nature of the project implemented. Detailed price list constitutes a separate Appendix.
4. The service charge, including all the costs and the price list, is calculated on the basis of the information provided every month by the head of LGMA which shall specify the number of hours of the laboratory operation for specific projects.
5. In the event of the LGMA use for the implementation of the project commissioned by external institutions, the Institute shall issue a VAT invoice on the basis of the monthly report referred to herein. In the event of the LGMA use for the project implemented at the Institute, on the basis of the monthly reports referred to herein, an accounting note shall be issued charging the relevant grant account or the account of the organisational unit of the Institute.
6. The revenues obtained from the service charge collected for the use of TRL infrastructure shall be used to:
      a. cover personnel costs of LGMA
      b. cover the costs of day-to-day operation of the LGMA infrastructure
      c. finance the periodic service inspections and necessary repairs of the laboratory equipment,
      d. cover the costs of the licenses and update of computer programs
      e. cover the cost of participation of the TRL employees in the training on the appropriate use of laboratories
      f. cover the cost of replacement investments
      g. cover the cost of promotion of LGMA
      h. cover the share of LGMA in the Institute’s administration costs
7. On the basis of the analysis of the actual operating costs of the system the Director of the Institute can change the service charge for the following billing period.
8. The Laboratory operates in compliance with the applicable provisions of law including the orders of the Director of the Institute.

Appendix: Rules and Regulations on Occupational Health and Safety (Polish: BHP) at LGMA – to download