Operation regulations for Small Animal Magnetic Resonance Imaging Laboratory MMRI PAS


     a) within the Institute, as a result of the deployment of CePT investment project funded with European Union within Innovative Economy Operational Programme structural funds small animal magnetic resonance imaging systemm(hereinafter referred to as MRI system) was bought, installed and activated and Small Animal Magnetic Resonance Imaging Laboratory was established for the purpose of the system operation,  
     b) as part of grants for statutory activities and maintenance of specialist research equipment, the Institute does not obtain resources to finance  the operation of the Laboratory,
     c) the Institute shall offer, under uniform conditions, the possibility of conducting research using MRI system to its researchers, the employees of other research  and economic institutions,
     d) the Institute shall ensure the durability and functionality of the MRI system for the period of minimum 5 years from the date of the implementation,  


1. Small Animal Magnetic Resonance Imaging Laboratory shall operate in compliance with these Regulations.

2. A service chargé shall be collected for the use of MRI system to perform tests.

3. The service charge, referred to in point 2, is calculated on the basis of the duration of MRI system use for the purpose of a specific research project. The net chargé expressed in PLN for an hour of the system operation is set by the Director of the Institute and is identical for all the researchers and institutions for which the system is used.

4. The basis for the service chargé due is the monthly report submitted by the Head of Small Animal Magnetic Resonance Imaging Laboratory which shall specify the number of hours of the MRI system operation for specific projects.

5. In the event of the MRI system use for the implementation of the project commissioned by external institution, the Institute shall issue a VAT invoice on the basis of the monthly report referred to herein. In the event of the MRI system use for the project implemented at the Institute, on the basis of the monthly reports referred to herein, an accounting note shall be issued charging the relevant grant account or the account of the organisational unit of the Institute.

6. The revenues obtained from the service charge collected for the use of MRI system shall be used to: 

a) cover personnel costs of Small Animal Magnetic Resonance Imaging Laboratory,
b) cover the costs of day-to-day operation of the MRI system, the rooms and infrastructure of Small Animal Magnetic Resonance Imaging Laboratory,
c) finance the periodic service inspections and necessary repairs of the MRI system and associated devices,
d) cover the costs of the licenses and update of computer programs necessary for the MRI system operation and processing of the data obtained by means of the system,
e) cover the cost of participation of the employees and permanent collaborations of Small Animal Magnetic Resonance Imaging Laboratory in the training on the appropriate use of the MRI system and the cost of maintaining working relationships with the manufacturer of the MRI system and scientific reference centres which use such systems, which will enable the access to new technological solutions designed by the manufacturer.
f) cover the cost of replacement investments i.e. investment expenditures incurred during the project and intended for the restoration of certain elements of the system whose useful time is shorter than the term of the project,
g) cover the cost of promotion of Small Animal Magnetic Resonance Imaging Laboratory inasmuch as it is necessary for the optimal use of MRI system,                                                       
h) cover the share of Small Animal Magnetic Resonance Imaging Laboratory in the Institute’s administration costs.

7. Based on the data on the principles of operation of similar systems of magnetic resonance imaging in domestic and foreign research institutions as well as on preliminary data collected during the current operation of the MRI system at the Institute and the current and projected costs it is herby established that from the date of the entry into force of these regulations the service charge per hour of MRI system use amounts to PLN 600 net.    

8. On the basis of the analysis of the actual operating costs of the MRI system the Director odf the Institute can change the service cost.

Regulations of the use of research infrastructure funded within CePT project at MMRI PAS

1. The material scope

These Regulations specify general rules for the use of research infrastructure at Experimental Medicine Centre CePT at MMRI which falls within the responsibility of:

a) Small Animal Magnetic Resonance Imaging Laboratory,
b) Laboratory for Genetically Modified Animal,
c) Toxicology Research Laboratory and
d) Environmental Laboratory of Chemical Synthesis.

2. The use of CePT research infrastructure referred to in point 1.

  • The use CePT research infrastructure at MMRI is related to the need to cover the cost of its operation according to the detailed principles and price lists which constitute the Appendices to these Regulations.
  • In compliance with the principle of equal access, the cost of using CePT research infrastructure at MMRI is the same for all users.  
  • Price lists established in the manner which ensures the balance of the revenues from the use of the infrastructure and the costs of its operation and maintenance are available to the public on the web sites of the laboratories specified in point 1. Any changes to the price lists should be announced one year in advance to allow e.g. grant applicants to provide the data on the cost of the infrastructure use applicable at the time of their project implementation.
  • The said infrastructure shall be used exclusively with the participation of the authorised employees of the aforementioned laboratories after prior arrangement of the dates and the scope of use.

3. The application of the data obtained by means of the research infrastructure referred to in point 1. If the research conducted with the use of CePT research infrastructure at MMRI involves the author’s contribution by the employees or the collaborators of Experimental Medicine Centre CePT at MMRI connected with designing the research method used, these persons should be the co-authors of the papers that include such outcomes.  

4. In publications which contain the data obtained with the use of the research infrastructure CePT at MMRI the following sentence shall be included: in Polish "Projekt realizowany z wykorzystaniem infrastruktury CePT zakupionej ze środków Unii Europejskiej – Europejskiego Funduszu Rozwoju Regionalnego w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Innowacyjna Gospodarka, lata 2007-2013."
in English "Project carried out with the use of the CePT infrastructure financed by the European Union – the European Regional Development Fund within the Operational Programme “Innovative economy” for 2007-2013."