Only two research teams from Poland, including MMRI team, appeared on the list of award winners in JPco-fuND2 Call 2020 organised by the largest global research groupu: JPND EU Joint Programme – Neurodegenerative Disease Research. The call for research projects focused on the issues related to neurodegenerative disorders detection: Linking pre-diagnosis disturbances of physiological Systems to Neurodegenerative Disease. 170international applications were submitted and 14 projects obtained the funds totalling € 15,5 million.
The successful project of Polish Team - coordinated by Michalina Wężyk, MD PhD from the Clinical and Research Department of Neurodegenerative diseases CNS of our Institute - is PreSSAD: Presymptomatic synaptic disorders in Alzheimer’s Disease. The initiative will be implemented in partnership with France, the Netherlands, Sweden and Hungary.
Our heartfelt congratulations!