With profound grief we inform of the sad demise of Prof. Stefan Angielski MD PhD on 22nd April, 2022
An eminent and passionate scholar, the author of over 200 publications, 12 textbooks on clinical biochemistry, analytics and nephrology. He supervised 36 PhD disertations. He was a long-term member of the Scientific Council of MMRI PAS and the Head of the Clinical and Research Department of Molecular and Cellular Nephrology MMRI PAS. He was awarded the title of honoris causa doctor of Gdańsk University for his fundamental contribution to the establishment of modern school of clinical biochemistry and for his engagement in the integration of university and medical environments. He was a wonderful and righteous Man of personal charm and great modesty.
Deep condolences to the family.
Management and employees of MMRI PAS
Professor Angielski in the memoirs of prof. Andrzej Ziemba
Last respects from Professor’s team of researchers:
With deep sorrow and regret we received the news of the death of Professor Stefan Angielski, our Mentor and Friend, an outstanding Researcher, a Man of great heart. Professor Stefan Angielski created the first Polish Department of Clinical Biochemistry, he was a specialist in pathobiochemistry of kidneys, the Rector of the Medical University of Gdańsk and a long-term employee of Mossakowski Medical Research Institute Polish Academy of Sciences. He will be remembered as a Man of numerous talents and interests who was able to inspire further generations with his scientific passion. Professor’s inimitable sense of humour created a unique and welcoming atmosphere in our Laboratory. We say goodbye to the Man who was sensitive to other people’s wellbeing and always ready to help.
Children of Science from the Clinical Department of Molecular and Cellular Nephrology MMRI PA
photo.: Uniwersytet Gdański / Sylwester Ciszek