Justyna Janowska, PhD
from NeuroRepair Department
has been awarded The Prime Minister’s Prize in recognition of outstanding achievements in the field of neurobiology for her distinguished doctoral dissertation entitled
“The Role of Oligodendrocyte Malfunctioning in the Pathogenesis of the White Matter Disorders resulting from perinatal asphyxia”
The Prize was awarded for the research allowing to understand the course of processes resulting from perinatal asphyxia and the search for an effective therapy to restore proper brain development of newborns. The high application potential of the conducted research and the cooperation undertaken with clinical units significantly increased the chances of translating the obtained results into the clinic, as a potential therapeutic strategy to prevent white matter damage.
The study was supervised by Profs Joanna Sypecka and Małgorzata Nałęcz and supported by NCN grant OPUS 2014/15/B/NZ4/01875.