Projects implemented at MMRI PAS funded by the Ministry of Education and Science
Breeding centre for laboratory and genetically modified animals– Animal House MMRI PAS
Project manager: Anna Kosson PhD
Earmarked subsidy for the maintenance of R & D equipment/ position of a researcher
implementation period: 2021 – 2022, project funding: PLN 1 801 518
System for deep phenotyping cell lines
Project manager:Prof. Cezary Żekanowski PhD DSc
Specific grant for research-related investment
implementation period: 2020 – 2022, project funding: PLN 923 839
Construction of utility comnection in MMRI PAS facilities
Project manager: Paulina Zieniewska MA
Specific grant for research-related investment
implementation period: 2020 – 2022, project funding: PLN 2 218 400
Equipment for preclinical research using cellular resolution with Cellvizio Lab ®
Project manager: Prof. Elżbieta Kompanowska-Jezierska DSc
Specific grant for research-related investment
implementation period: 2020 – 2020, project funding: PLN 2 052 132
Replacement of cooling centre in Animal House of MMRI PAS
Project manager: Anna Kosson PhD
Specific grant for research-related investment
implementation period: 2019 – 2020, project funding: PLN 504 400
13 IANR Conference
Project manager: Anna Sarnowska MD PhD DSc
Grant for scientific conferences within Social Responsibility of Science/ Excellent Science programme
implementation period: 2020 – 2021, project funding: PLN 71 900
Translational Research Platform in Regenerative Medicine equipped with Cell and Tissue Bank
Project manager: Anna Sarnowska MD PhD DSc
Earmarked subsidy for the maintenance of R & D equipment/ position of a researcher
implementation period: 2020, project funding: PLN 554 599
Bonus on the Horizon for: Identification of the proteasome machinery targets in human cancer
Project manager: Dawid Walerych PhD Hab.
Bonus on the Horizon
implementation period: 2018 – 2021, project funding: PLN 126 230
Increase in research excellence and commercial potential of the Institute by establishment of Rare Disease Research Platform
Project manager: Prof. Maria Barcikowska-Kotowicz MD PhD
Grant for restructuring of research units
implementation period: 2018 – 2019, project funding: PLN 2 360 000