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Keynote Lectures

We are most pleased to announce our Keynote Speakers:Knowing the past, looking to the future: the importance of international collaboration in advancing medical knowledge
– Prof. David N. Louis, MD, Department of Pathology at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School and Department of Pathology at Massachusetts General Hospital Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USAAI-guided neuro-oncological pathology; towards the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth? (BNS sponsored Keynote Lecture)
– Prof. Felix Sahm, MD, PhD, Dept. of Neuropathology, University Hospital Heidelberg, Heidelberg, GermanyA CCG expansion in ABCD3 causes oculopharyngodistal myopathy in individuals of European ancestry
–Dr. Andrea Cortese, MD, PhD, University College London, Department of Neuromuscular Diseases, London, United KingdomThe Pathogenesis of alpha-synucleinopathies
–Associate Prof. Wilma van de Berg, PhD, Department of Anatomy and Neurosciences, Neuroscience Campus Amsterdam, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Adaptive immune response in the brain in healthy and inflammatory conditions
–Associate Prof. Joost Smolders, MD, PhD, Erasmus MC, Departments of Neurology and Immunology, Rotterdam, the NetherlandsNeural stem cells: origin, heterogeneity and regulation in the adult mammalian brain
–Prof. Arturo Alvarez-Buylla, PhD, University of California, San Francisco Weill Institute for Neurosciences, School of Medicine, San Francisco, CA, USA
The content of the Symposia and Workshops will be published shortly in the program section of our congress website. Click here for the program-at-a-glance.

Early bird registration (in-person attendance and virtual (live-stream) participation)

Take advantage of the early bird registration rates! Click here to register for the congress (in-person/virtual). Please note that early-bird registration ends 28 February 2025. Fees for regular and late registration can be viewed on our website. Reduced rates apply to members, to trainees (in-person and virtual), as well as for delegates from low and middle income countries (virtual). The live-stream is generously co-sponsored by the International Society of Neuropathology.

Book your accommodation timely!

June is a very nice (usually) and popular month in the Netherlands. Book your accommodation timely before rates go up. We recommend the MECC Hotel Services (MHS), as our official and only housing partner. They offer you the most competitive accommodation prices in the city. Accommodation details are listed on our webpage or visit the Hotel Services page directly.
Hoping to have you with us in historic Maastricht this June!



Dear EUROTOX Community

Just as warm as the Greek sun, the Hellenic Society of Toxicology & Pharmacology and the Organising Committees invite toxicologists from all over the world to join them for the 59th Congress of the European Toxicologists & European Societies of Toxicology (EUROTOX 2025)which will take place in Athens, Greece, from14 to 17 September 2025.

We are excited to welcome you to Athens to explore the latest advances in toxicology and public health. Follow us to a city rich with history and innovation for an inspiring tox-event!

Under the theme “Toxicology addresses Society's real-life risks for sustainable health and well-being” the organisers have put together a programme focused on developing sustainable solutions for long-term public health. The programme will highlight cutting-edge breakthroughs, emerging toxicology methodologies, and interdisciplinary collaboration, while promoting discussions on public health safety and environmental sustainability.

Six Continuing Education Courses (CECs), 29 top-notch scientific sessions, three sessions designated for short oral presentations as well as keynote lectures from renowned scientists will cover these aspects with about 1,500 participants and more than 50 exhibitors on four eventful days in Megaron Concert Hall.

Deadline for Abstract Submission and Award / Bursary Application:
31 March 2025

Deadline for Registration at the Early Bird Fee:
15 May 2025

The EUROTOX 2025 Organising and Scientific Committees are looking forward to all novel contributions for poster and short oral presentations.

Do not miss out on Europe’s largest and most significant toxicology congress and register online now!

Abstract submission is linked to congress registration. The submission of an abstract is therefore only possible after having registered for the congress. During registration, you may indicate that you would like to submit an abstract. We will then automatically create an account for you on our abstract submission platform. You will receive the access data with the automatic registration confirmation directly after submitting the online registration for the congress.

By the way, EUROTOX 2025 is also an extraordinary platform for companies or institutions of all sizes to present and promote their products and services to a large international audience.

Interested? Check the website for updates on sponsorship and exhibition opportunities to find the most beneficial package for your company or institution! Information will be published on 10 December 2024.

In case of any questions or concerns in the meantime, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Updated information about the congress is always available online: www.eurotox2025.com but to make sure you do not miss any news, follow us on LinkedIn,X and Instagram!

On behalf of the whole Organising Committee, we thank you very much in advance for your contribution and support and are looking forward to welcoming you at EUROTOX 2025 in Athens!


Szanowni Państwo,

serdecznie zapraszam do udziału w naszych nowych warsztatach: Introduction to clinical trials oraz Genome-wide and epigenome-wide association studies for complex diseases, które odbędą się już na początku przyszłego roku! Warsztat przeznaczony jest dla naukowców, którzy chcą pogłębić swoją wiedzę i umiejętności w zakresie badań klinicznych, genetycznych i epigenetycznych. Warsztaty poprowadzi dr Nuno Sepúlveda, adiunkt na Wydziale Matematyki i Nauk Informacyjnych Politechniki Warszawskiej, gdzie wykłada biostatystykę. Dr Sepúlveda ma ponad 20-letnie doświadczenie i opublikował ponad 150 artykułów w prestiżowych czasopismach, takich jak Nature Genetics i Science Translational Medicine. Jego badania koncentrują się na wykorzystaniu technik statystycznych i uczenia maszynowego do zrozumienia chorób przewlekłych, a obecnie prowadzi projekt Horizon Europe, realizujący badania kliniczne nad kontrolą malarii w Etiopii i na Madagaskarze.

Oto harmonogram najbliższych 2-dniowych warsztatów: 

  • Introduction to Clinical Trials – 27-28.02.2025
  • Genome-wide and epigenome-wide association studies for complex diseases – 13-14.03.2025
  • Amplicon sequancing analysis – 23-24.03.2025
  • Uczenie maszynowe w R od podstaw – 2 i 4.04.2025
  • Analiza danych proteomicznych –  10-11.04.2025
  • Uczenie głębokie w R (sieci neuronowe) – 6-7.05.2025

Oferujemy również warsztaty dla grup zorganizowanych. W przypadku takiego zgłoszenia, termin ustalamy z prowadzącymi zgodnie z sugestiami uczestników:

  • Analiza wyników badań klinicznych w RStudio – 2-dniowe warsztaty
  • Programowanie i zarządzanie sztuczną inteligencją – 6-cio modułowy warsztat

Szkolenia mają charakter prowadzonych na żywo warsztatów ze sprawdzaniem postępów uczestników i możliwością zadawania pytań. Po ukończeniu każdy uczestnik otrzymuje certyfikat.

Aby uzyskać więcej informacji o naszych szkoleniach oraz w celu rejestracji, zapraszam do odwiedzenia naszej strony internetowej:


Ponadto, oferujemy również kursy stacjonarne dla zorganizowanych grup oraz specjalistyczne usługi bioinformatyczne i statystyczne w ramach projektów naukowych.

Serdecznie zapraszam!

Prof. nadzw. dr hab. Aneta Sawikowska

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